Information system for enginner’s offices
This information system was developed for the enginner’s offices. It fully solves and supports the life cycle of an order, from its beginning, realization until its finishing and archiving.
The information system contains modules to support these fields:
- preparing, evidence and order planning
- order realization
- management, evidence, and archiving of order documentation
- evidence of order costs
- order evaluation – economics, personalistic
- order archiving
- evidence of sub-suppliers, contacts
- work evidence, sallary offers, bonus promisses
- personalistic
Main features
team cooperation and information sharing
- enables the members of work team to share the information about order life cycle.
security and access to the information
- information about the order and the documentation are accessible according to defined permissions nad functions of the members of the team in order solving process.
data center
- every order contains hierarchicaly sorted data center with ability to create, edit, import, export, delete and edit the version of documents according to permissions and function in realization team.
- the order goes trough several states during its life cycle. The conditions for moving from one state to another are strictly defined and entering another state is possible only after accomplishment of all these conditions and approval of responsible cooperants with sufficient rights.
- enables to define the team, planning and then controlling the progress of financial paramenters of the order connected with its realization (financial list). It is possible to watch the planning and the achieved values.
- the system contains also the utility for planning nad controlling the achievemets of each order with possibility of several views based on criteria (plan of achievements)
evidence of earnings expenses
- every member of realization team creates the enrolment about working hours and solved order . These are the background information for sallary proposition for this member. These information are processed in financial list module, in which the user is enabled to controll planned and real earnings expenses.
- the users with sufficient permissions have the possibility to preview the information about the orders (book of orders), expenses (earnings, management, administrative, …), sales and bussiness gain, sallary summary, order summary (economics, profitability of orders). It is possible to export the data into .xls format.
Main advatages of the system:
- complex solving of the process of order management in engineer’s office
- increasing the efectivity and productivity of the work
- accessibility of the information about order state during its life cycle
- summaries about achieved economic parameters of the order
- security and access to the information according to permissions