
Stredoslovenské energetické závody Žilina (reference)

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Within Stredoslovenské energetické závody were built 14 networks of Nowell NetWare 3.11 type on various factories on territorium of Stredoslovenský kraj. After, on computer networks of factories linked 68 exposures in all bigger community in district as remote users. Every from this computer networks in factories has from 20 till 40 users.

In  years 1994 and 1995 were built in Žilina wide network UNIX on platform computers Digital, which except bussines central office include cross connection of 3 factories in Žilina, 6 warehouses and choosen workplaces in all factories. In this network, there was used, first time on territorium of Slowak Republic, technology FDDI with transfer rate 100 Mbit/s during optical fiber and it within cross connection not only in complex of buildings, but within all city on distance few kilometers too. Several factories are connected to star-topologhy with transfer rate 2 Mbit/s and smaller operations, which work without servers, are connected using metal links with transfer rate 64 kb/s or 19,2 kb/s. Except complex of computer network of information system were linked using independent private network X.25 also technological workplaces (energy dispatch centers).

In year 1995 was passed competed network including more then 900 workstations, 24 data-servers, 16 comunication-servers, 15 WAN-routers and 7 bridges, into routine operation, in which there is opetated some program-systems, such as SAP R3, Link Works with database Oracle and more programs, developed for energetics.

At the same time was made implementation of platform LinkWorks with solution of key-administrative documents and workflow.

Stredoslovenské energetické závody Žilina: