
Knowledge Base

Are you looking for simple and effective representation of knowledge? Look no further. We offer to you knowledge base, through which you can information easy and effectively:

Knowledge base is based on creation of articles, which the user can hierarchically organize (the hierarchy can have e.g. structure of complete books or manuals).

Possibilities of article’s display

Knowledge base allows 2 views on articles (Picture 1):

Picture 1: Tree hierarchy and A-Z index

Create article direct or use the template

You can create the article direct, using rich text editor. This editor provides many functions for text formatting (Picture 2). Using this editor you can add to the article links. In addition to the classic websites links you can also add links to existing articles in the knowledge base.

Picture 2: Adding new article

Predefined templates can be used for creation of an article (Picture 3). These contain texts in given format, which display in the text editor. The usage of templates saves time, that you would have spent on re-entering the same parts of articles (in case, that you can preserve in group of articles same style, format and layout).

Picture 3: Template – example

To the articles you can add:

  • Attachments (files of different types , e.g. .pdf, .docx, .txt, .zip, …) – it is possible to add attachement using drag&drop
  • Categories (allow to group articles by category)
  • Tags (key words which describe article content)

Using categories and tags you can filter articles. Knowledge base allows, based on the chosen category to display table of articles, which belong to given category or tag.

Every article in knowledge base can be rated, and/or commented.

From draft to publication

You haven’t to publish unfinished article immediately. You can save it as an draft, on which you can still work, eventually you can publish it later (Picture 4). You can see only your drafts, so don’t be afraid, that someone has access to them.

Picture 4: Draft (left) and published article (right)

Article’s history

You can edit articles very simple, and every change in article is observed. History (Picture 5) allows you to return to the previous version of the article. There is also the possibility to compare the versions of article.

Picture 5: History

Access to articles

For every article, that you are created, you can define who will see the article and who not, who can edit it, or add child article to him. You can define, who will have the possibility to move article in hierarchy of articles, change permissions for the article, or delete the article.

You can set all permissions set for every article, on which you have the possibility to change them. It should be noted, that all child articles take permission from parent articles.


Knowledge base contains search mechanism for searching in articles using key words (Picture 6). The mechanism search in title, content of the article and in attachment attached to the article. The search results are displayed  in the summary table.

Picture 6: Search form

You can limit the searching to a part of tree hierarchy (sub-tree of articles – Picture 7), i.e. entered key word will be search only in articles, which are in selected part of structure.

Picture 7: Selection of the articles sub-tree for searching

Export of articles

You can export Individual articles and complete structure into special zip-archive, in which is the structure of articles represented folder structure.

Import of articles

Import articles into knowledge base (Picture 8). All you need is zip-archive which contains folder structure. Articles with same title as folder names will be created. The articles will contain files, stored in this folder, as attachments. Article contents will be empty, but you can add them easily. It should be noted, that structure of folders defines hierarchy of articles.

Picture 8: Import from zip-archive

Knowledge base serves you as a repository, in which you have knowledge still at the hand.